Kapil Kevin Persaud passed away (death, obituary, biography and cause of death)

Click here to download & watch death the video footage :https://bit.ly/3DvtRsZ

We are sorry to report the passing of  Kapil Kevin Persaud today. A death or the news of a death is never pleasant, especially when it is of a great person.

We shall discuss Kapil Kevin Persaud's life, family, death, and reasons of death in the next sections of this article.

For Kapil Kevin Persaud's family, friends, and admirers, his death came as a complete shock. Through social media, they are both in mourning. Many condolence notes are being exchanged on a constant basis, and some of his family, friends, and admirers are really interested in learning what caused his passing.

Click here to download & watch  the video footage :https://bit.ly/3DvtRsZ

Kapil Kevin Persaud was born in Oceanside, NY on June 17, 1984 to  Narainee Nalini and Lloyde Persaud, he has a brother Josh Persaud, persaud was married to Geena Persaud, and have a daughter  Vinaya Kevina Persaud.

Kevin was an accomplished electrician and the brightest light in his family. He will be missed deeply by his family and friends.
